TEBRIG, also known as the Terra Brigade, is dedicated to the protection of Terra and its inhabitants later expanding into the mercenary business. Founded shortly after the discovery of Terra, TEBRIG is made up of former members of the TDC, Terra Defense Coalition, who saw the need to unify and streamline their efforts in the face of growing threats from pirate gangs. With a focus on unity and efficiency, TEBRIG is equipped with a formidable fleet of ships and a highly trained crew, ready to defend Terra and take on any job that they are hired for no matter the difficulty. Despite its many challenges, TEBRIG remains steadfast in its mission to protect and serve, standing as a symbol of hope and determination in the face of adversity.

group of marines

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Our Expertise

Offensive Operations

Lead the charge with our specialized offensive services, designed to secure victory in the most challenging conflicts...

Defense Operations

Defend a castle, a base, a city. No matter the task, TEBRIG will have your back even under the most intense invasions...

Escort Operations

Secure your transport ships, your convoys, precious cargo or even VIP personnel.

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What Our Members Say

"The collaboration between members and teamwork I've experienced within TEBRIG is of the highest quality, I know these guys will have my back in any scenario"
– Somrune, Director of Industry
"In TEBRIG the respect that is given to you is unmatched; you become more than a rank, you become a member of a larger family. TEBRIG celebrates your contributions and your honours your triumphs."
– Bunzie

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